Japan Virtual Campus運営委員会
大学の国際化促進フォーラム、Japan Virtual Campus運営委員会(以下、JV-Campus)、一般社団法人日本オープンオンライン教育推進協議会(以下、JMOOC)は、3団体合同からなる「マイクロクレデンシャルに関する共同WG」を2023年8月18日に設立しました。
Japan Virtual Campus運営委員会
事務局 jv-campus-pr@un.tsukuba.ac.jp(@を半角に変換してください)
事務局 担当:岡田(おかだ) secretary@jmooc.jp(@を半角に変換してください)
○マイクロクレデンシャルは教育の質保証を行う仕組みであるが、学習結果の偽造や改ざんを防ぎ、安全に保持し有効に活用可能にする手段として、(米)1EdTech Consortiumが推進するオープンバッジ等のデジタル証明の国際標準規格も存在している。マイクロクレデンシャルとデジタル証明、この二つの役割を明確にした上で、相乗効果が得られる仕組みづくりが求められる。
Japan Virtual Campusマイクロクレデンシャル・バッジ専門部会
一般社団法人日本オープンオンライン教育推進協議会 マイクロクレデンシャルWG
2023年8月 マイクロクレデンシャルに関する共同WG 設立
2023年9月 マイクロクレデンシャルのフレームワーク作成と運用開始
2023年9月 マイクロクレデンシャルをデジタル証明する際のガイドライン作成運用開始
2023年9月 海外団体・機関との意見交換、連携活動の開始
2024年 アジア太平洋地区でのマイクロクレデンシャルのフレームワーク連携の開始
・主催団体・機関:大学の国際化促進フォーラム、 Japan Virtual Campus運営委員会、一般社団法人日本オープンオンライン教育推進協議会
井上雅裕(Japan Virtual Campusデジタルクレデンシャル等専門部会委員、一般社団法人日本オープンオンライン教育推進協議会・マイクロクレデンシャルWG副主査)
池田佳子(Japan Virtual Campus運営委員会委員・デジタルクレデンシャル等専門部会長)
August 18, 2023
Japan Forum for Internationalization of Universities
Japan virtual campus steering committee
Japan Massive Open Online Education Promotion Council
Regarding the establishment of the Micro-credential Joint Working Group
The Japan Forum for Internationalization of Universities, the Japan Virtual Campus Steering Committee (JV-Campus), and the Japan Massive Open Online Education Promotion Council (JMOOC) formed the Micro-credential Joint Working Group on August 18, 2023.
With the global development of the online learning environment, it is becoming possible for learners to freely select content and study without being constrained by time and space. In order to do so, it is necessary to clearly indicate the learning purpose, contents, and completion conditions of learning content, as well as quality assurance.
Micro-credential is a focused record of learning outcomes that proves what a learner knows, understands, or can do. Their learning achievements are assessed based on clearly defined standards, ensuring the quality of their education.
Through the activities of the Micro-credential Joint Working Group, the Japan Forum for Internationalization of Universities, JV-Campus, and JMOOC will promote the production and provision of Micro-credentials, as well as develop and collaborate on operational platforms, and promote international collaboration on skill standards.
Contact information for press inquiries
Japan Virtual Campus Steering Committee
Secretariat: jv-campus-pr [at-mark] un.tsukuba.ac.jp
Japan Massive Open Online Education Promotion Association
Secretariat: Person in charge: Okada (secretary [at-mark] jmooc.jp)
The Joint Micro-credential Working Group Prospectus (full text)
1. International efforts on Micro-credentials and their necessity
– With the global development of the online learning environment, it is becoming possible for learners to freely select content and learn without being restricted by time and space. Many online teaching materials are already available globally, but in order to appropriately meet the needs of various learners, it is necessary to clearly indicate the learning purpose, content, and completion conditions of learning content, as well as quality assurance.
– In addition, against the background of rapid progress in industrial structure and technology due to digitalization, Micro-credentials, which are used to study specific fields and prove their learning outcomes, are attracting attention, and efforts are rapidly progressing around the world.
– Micro-credentials are targeted learning achievement records that prove what a learner knows, understands, or can do. Their learning outcomes are evaluated based on clearly defined criteria to ensure the quality of their education.
– Each country, including the European Union (EU) and Australia, has formulated a framework for Micro-credentials and is working to promote the creation, acquisition, and use of Micro-credentials. We have confirmed that there is. Furthermore, Australia has started a government subsidized project for the development of Micro-credentials by higher education institutions, and it is urgent to promote the formulation and dissemination of a Micro-credential framework as early as possible in Japan.
– Micro-credentials are not only used by institutions of higher education. Private training institutions, academic societies, and general companies are expected to participate due to the need for recurrent education and reskilling. The formation of an educational ecosystem and, in particular, the formation of a mechanism to guarantee the quality of education are required.
– A common framework for Micro-credentials in Japan to enable educational institutions to provide high-quality Micro-credentials, learners to select the Micro-credentials they need, and employers and user institutions to appropriately evaluate Micro-credentials. This makes it possible to respond to global content exchange between universities.
– From the perspective of cultivating international human resources in Japan, and in order to further promote the utilization of human resources across countries in the Asia-Pacific region, etc., international cooperation in the framework of Micro-credentials is necessary.
– Micro-credentials are a mechanism for assuring the quality of education. International standards for certification also exist. After clarifying the roles of Micro-credentials and digital proofs, we need to create a system that can achieve synergistic effects.
2. Significance of the establishment of the joint working group
– Early development and promotion of Micro-credentials in Japan
– Sharing of technologies and knowledge possessed by public interest groups and institutions such as education-related academic societies, incorporated associations, foundations, government subsidized project promotion organizations
3. Joint WG study target
– Formulation of the Micro-credential Framework (a framework necessary for Micro-credential production, selection, evaluation, and quality assurance of education) and related operational methods
– Development of common descriptors for Micro-credentials
– Development of guidelines for digitally issuing Micro-credentials (guidelines for ensuring compatibility when verifying with digital badges, etc.) and related operational methods
4. Activity system
Japan Virtual Campus Micro Credentials and Badges Subcommittee
Japan Massive Open Online Education Promotion Council, Micro-credential Working group
5. Initiative milestones
August 2023 Joint WG on micro-credentials established.
September 2023 Creation and operation of Micro-credential Framework
September 2023 Start of creation and operation of guidelines for digitally issuing Micro-credentials
September 2023 Exchange of opinions with overseas groups and institutions, start of collaborative activities
2024 Commencement of Micro-credential framework cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region
6. Collaborative organizations and institutions
– Organizing Organizations/Organizations: Japan Forum for Internationalization of Universities, Japan Virtual Campus Steering Committee, Japan Massive Open Online Education Promotion Council
– Cooperating organizations / organizations: Japan 1EdTech Association, Open Badge Network, Japan Engineering Education Association, PMI Japan Branch, Japan Online Education Industry Association, The Open University of Japan, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
(Cooperating organizations include current participating organizations.)
7. Founders
Masahiro Inoue (Member of the Japan Virtual Campus Digital Credentials Subcommittee, Deputy Chair of the Micro Credentials WG, Japan Massive Open Online Education Promotion Council)
Keiko Ikeda (Member of the Japan Virtual Campus Steering Committee/Chair of the Subcommittee on Digital Credentials)
Yasushi Kodama (Director, Japan Massive Open Online Education Promotion Council/Chair of Micro -credential WG)