Asia Regional MOOC Stakeholders Summit 2015 concluded on March 4th with great success.
We have released Video.
Please check it out.
-Opening Remarks
-Country/Region report
-Country/Region report
-Panel Discussion
Theme: MOOC -based international collaboration in Asia-
Part1: Prospects of MOOC in Asia
-Panel Discussion
Part2: Sharing the case of Japan
-Concluding session
<Next Conference>
Title:Asia MOOC Community Conference 2016
Place:Bangkok, Thailand
Hosting organization:TCU
Asia Regional MOOC Stakeholders Summit 2015
Big wave of MOOC raised from US in 2012 have spread out all over the world rapidly and then in some other countries, especially in Europe MOOC has been launched with some unique characteristics different from MOOC in US.
And next in Asia some MOOC has been launched recently.
This conference aims to be an opportunity to get together and share experiences among MOOC stakes holders from various countries/regions, particularly in Asia.
In this conference following theme will be focused;
- Organizations to promote MOOC in each region
- Business model for sustainable operation
- Cutting edge technologies to enrich MOOC in future
- Collaboration among regions
- Challenges to come to stay MOOC in each region
- Some other various topics related to MOOC
March 4, 2016場所
東京都千代田区神田駿河台1−1明治大学グローバルフロント1FGlobal Hall, Meiji University
Meiji University Global Front 1F, 1-1 Kanda-Surugadai,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN参加費
Fee無料 free of charge / 同時通訳あり We provide simultaneous interpreters 申込方法
Application method下記の申込フォームより事前にお申し込みください。(定員180名)
Please register from the application form in advance.(capacity:180)
Application formお問い合わせ
InquiryJMOOC Secretary
※[at]→@<Program> 9:30 【開会】
開会挨拶 一般社団法人日本オープンオンライン教育推進
協議会 理事長 白井克彦
会場校挨拶 明治大学学長 福宮賢一氏
来賓挨拶 文部科学省 大臣官房審議官(高等教育局担当)
Opening Remarks Dr.Katsuhiko Shirai, President, JMOOC
Welcome Remarks Prof.Kenichi Fukumiya, President, Meiji University
Guest Speech Mr. Hiroki Matsuo, Deputy Director-General, Higher Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology9:45 カントリー/リージョンレポート
常務理事・事務局長 福原美三
代表取締役社長 伊能美和子氏
代表取締役 岸田徹氏MOOC country/region report
Prof.Yoshimi Fukuhara, Exective Director, Secretary General, JMOOC
Ms. Miwako Iyoku, CEO, DOCOMO gacco, Inc.
Mr. Toru Kishida, CEO, NetLearning, Inc.10:15 ②中国 ②China 10:35~10:45 休憩 Break 10:45 ③インドネシア
インドネシア公開大学 副学長
Yuni Tri Hewindati氏③Indonesia
Dr.Yuni Tri Hewindati,
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Universitas Terbuka11:05 ④韓国
国立生涯教育研究所 所長
Youngwha Kee氏④Korea
Dr.Youngwha Kee,
President, National Institute for Lifelong Education(NILE)11:25 質疑 Q&A 11:40~12:40 休憩 Break 12:40 ⑤マレーシア
マレーシア公開大学 学長/副総長
Mansor Fadzil氏⑤Malaysia
Professor Dr. Mansor Fadzil,
President/Vice-Chancellor, Open University Malaysia (OUM)13:00 ⑥台湾
オープン高等教育研究所 所長
国立交通大学 教授
Wei-I Lee氏⑥Taiwan
Prof.Wei-I Lee,
Director, Research Center of Higher Educational Resources for Openness,
National Chiao Tung University13:20 ⑦タイ
国立タイサイバー大学プロジェクト 副所長
Anuchai Theeraroungchaisri氏⑦Thailand
Dr.Anuchai Theeraroungchaisri,
Deputy Director,
Thailand Cyber University Project13:40 ⑧ユネスコ
ユネスコアジア太平洋局(タイ バンコク)教育改革スキル開発部門長
Libing Wang氏⑧UNESCO
Dr. Libing Wang,
Chief of Section for Educational Innovation and Skills Development (EISD),
UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education,
Bangkok, Thailand14:00 質疑 Q&A 14:15~14:30 休憩 Break パネルディスカッション Panel Discussion 14:30 テーマ:アジアにおけるMOOCベースの国際交流
放送大学 教授 山田恒夫氏
法政大学 教授 児玉靖司氏第二部:日本の事例共有
TAC株式会社 TAC JMOOCプロジェクト
プロジェクトリーダー 佐藤征一郎氏
NPO法人DSS 代表 辻太一朗氏
株式会社ドコモgacco 代表取締役社長 伊能美和子氏
株式会社ネットラーニング 代表取締役 岸田徹氏
法政大学 教授 児玉靖司氏
放送大学 教授 山田恒夫氏Theme: MOOC -based international collaboration in Asia-
Part1: Prospects of MOOC in Asia
Representatives of each coutry/region
Prof. Tsuneo Yamada, Professor, The Open University of Japan<
Prof. Yasushi Kodama, Professor, Hosei University
Part2: Sharing the case of Japan
Mr. Seiichiro Sato, Project leader, TAC MOOC Project, TAC Co., Ltd.
Mr. Taichiro Tuji, President, DSS, Non-profitable organization
Ms. Miwako Iyoku, CEO, DOCOMO gacco, Inc.
Mr. Toru Kishida, CEO, NetLearning, Inc.
Prof. Yasushi Kodama, Professor, Hosei University
Prof. Tsuneo Yamada, Professor, The Open University of Japan16:30~16:40 休憩 Break 16:40 Asia Regional MOOC Summit ステートメントの発表 Announcement of Joint Statement for the next step 17:00 【閉会】 Closing 【司会】放送大学 教授 青木久美子氏 【Moderator】Dr. Kumiko Aoki, Professor, The Open University of Japan 17:30-19:30 レセプション 明治大学グローバルラウンジ(グローバルフロント17F)
Reception Global Lounge, Meiji University(Global Front 17F)
参加費:4,000円 Fee:4,000JPYLocation:
Conference : Global Hall (Global Front 1F)
Reception : Global Lounge (Global Front 17F)
Address: Meiji University Global Front, 1-1 Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 101-8301How to get there:
By plane:
By train:
・3 minutes on foot from JR Chuo/Sobu Line and Subway Marunouchi Line, Ochanomizu Station
・5 minutes on foot from Subway Chiyoda Line, Shin-Ochanomizu Station
・5 minutes on foot from Subway Mita, Shinjuku, and Hanzomon Lines, Jimbocho Station
Hosting organization: JMOOC(Japan Massive Open Online Courses)