【日時】2020年8月8日(土) 20:00-22:00
19:50 サイト開場
19:55 ワークショップ参加にあたっての注意事項
20:00 開会の挨拶 白井克彦 JMOOC理事長
20:05 趣旨説明とスケジュール 深澤良彰 JMOOC副理事長/早稲田大学教授
20:15 基調講演 モデレーター 弦間正彦 早稲田大学国際担当理事
講演者紹介 <講演動画>
“Virtual Student Exchange Bringing the World to Students”
「学生生活に世界を持ち込むVirtual Student Exchange」
Dr. Suk-Ying Wong, Professor and Associate Vice President, Chinese University of Hong Kong
<講演動画> <講演資料>
“Challenges Associated with the Use of Online Tools in the United States”
Dr. Frances McCall Rosenbluth, Professor and Former Deputy Provost for Social Sciences, and for Faculty Development and Diversity, Yale University
<講演動画> <講演資料>
“Going Digital, Staying Human: Challenges for Future-Oriented Education @KU Leuven.”
「KU Leuvenにおける将来志向の教育:人間性を持った教育のデジタル化」
Dr. Piet Desmet, Professor and Vice Rector of Education, KU Leuven
<講演動画> <講演資料>
21:15 討論 「諸事例から学べる教訓と課題」
リー・マージ 早稲田大学国際部長
Dr. Suk-Ying Wong, Professor and Associate Vice President, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Frances McCall Rosenbluth, Professor and Former Deputy Provost for Social Sciences, and for Faculty Development and Diversity, Yale University
Dr. Piet Desmet, Professor and Vice Rector of Education, KU Leuven
21:45 今後のワークショップの予告 栗山健 JMOOC理事・事務局長
21:55 閉会の挨拶 栗山健 JMOOC理事・事務局長
22:00 サイト閉場
11th JMOOC Zoom workshop on Online Tools and Education
【Title】Online Tools and Higher Education in the Post COVID-19 Era
We have been forced to utilize online tools for university education with the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic. One of positive legacies of the COVID-19 crisis in university education can be increased use of virtual (digital) tools in our university communities. This workshop discusses how online tools can change the university activities in the short-run and long-run in the post COVID-19 era. Speakers from different parts of the world discuss the efforts and plans for the use of online tools at their home institutions. These examples can be helpful when we think of the future use of online tools in our own university communities. Everyone is welcome.
【Time】20:00-22:00 in Japan, 7:00-9:00 in New Heaven (U.S.A.), 13:00-15:00 in Belgium, 19:00-21:00 in Hong Kong on August 8, Saturday
【Organized by】Japan Massive Open Online Education Promotion Council (JMOOC)
【Platform】Realtime online ZOOM Meeting
【Audience】Faculty Members, Educational Professionals and Administrators in Primary, Secondary and Higher Education/Students/General Public
【Registration Fee】Free
【Register by】20:00 (JST) on August 8, 2020, Saturday
【Participants】Simultaneous Connectivity of 500 participants will be secured.
【Languages】Presentations and discussions will be undertaken in English. Occasional summaries in Japanese will be provided to the audience.
19:50 Zoom Site Open
19:55 Instruction for the ZOOM Workshop
20:00 Welcome Speech
Dr. Katsuhiko Shira, Chairperson of the JMOOC
20:05 Opening Remarks and Workshop Schedule
Dr. Yoshiaki Fukazawa, Deputy Chairperson of the JMOOC/ Professor, Waseda University
20:15 Keynote Speeches
Moderator: Dr. Masahiko Gemma, Professor of Applied Economics and Vice President for International Affairs, Waseda University
(Keynote Speakers and Titles of Speeches)
Dr. Suk-Ying Wong, Professor and Associate Vice President, Chinese University of Hong Kong
“Virtual Student Exchange Bringing the World to Students”
Dr. Frances McCall Rosenbluth, Professor and Former Deputy Provost for Social Sciences, and for Faculty Development and Diversity, Yale University
“Challenges Associated with the Use of Online Tools in the United States”
Dr. Piet Desmet, Professor and Vice Rector of Education, KU Leuven
“Going Digital, Staying Human: Challenges for Future-Oriented Education @KU Leuven.”
21:15 Panel Discussion ”Lessons Learned from International Experiences”
Discussant: Dr. Maji Rhee, Professor of Legal Communications and Dean of the International Affairs Division, Waseda University
21:45 Future Plans for JMOOC Workshops Dr. Ken Kuriyama, JMOOC Secretary General
21:55 Closing Remarks Dr. Ken Kuriyama, JMOOC Secretary General
22:00 ZOOM Site Closed